
Showing posts from April, 2024

How To Hack WhatsApp?

   How To Hack  WhatsApp?   whatsApp is messenger Application and social media. It helps to chat each other. It is a most popular messenger. WhatsApp is being used all over the world. WhatsApp is installed in every person's phone. If I tell you about whatsapp's users so WhatsApp Have 2 billion users  and 1.6 million montly active users. it is founded by brain acton and jan koum in 2009. Now We should know about features so there are many features available in whatsApp. We can send SMS as a text and can read. we send photos, videos, files, media, location, audio, etc. and we can do voice call and video call. We can create WhatsApp group and can chat with friends in WhatsApp group. these all feature  make a biggest social media platform in market. WhatsApp Security WhatsApp have end to end encryption, only sender can read messase and receiver can read no an other person can read it, that make secure our message in whatsapp.  If you send your message to friends then message is sen

What Is Kali Linux?

      What Is Kali Linux?        Kali Linux  is a debian-based Linux disribution. kali linux made for advanced penetration testing and security researcher. Kali Linux is a bunch of Cyber Security, Computer Forensics, Reverse Enginnering and Penetration Testing Tools, more then 600 tools available in kali linux. Funded and mainted by Offensive Security in 13th march 2003. Kali Linux is a Hacker's Favorite Operating System, because every type attacking and cyber threading tools available. Best Designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) And Command Line (Non GUI) for hacking.  Both Type Hackers use it, Blackhat Hackers and WhiteHat Hackers. It is a Open source Operatiing System, and it is also most popular operating system. Kali Linux is a my favorite Operating system to perform attack. Advantage Of kali Linux. Open source operting system -  It is available for free, any can install and can use it easly. Maintaining  -  Maintaining is best advantage for users, It is maitined by Offensive
  Osi.Ig – Information Gathering Instagram Tool in Kali Linux Osi.Ig stands for Open Source Intelligence. Osi is a free and open-source tool used to perform reconnaissance on Instagram accounts/profiles. This is a free and open-source tool used for performing reconnaissance on Instagram accounts. As this tool is open source, so you can contribute to this tool. This tool is very useful when you want to get information about Instagram that you normally wouldn’t be able to get from just looking at their profile. You can get so much information about an account that is not easily visible on the profile of the person.  There are various parameters on which you can get information. These included accessibility caption, location, timestamp, caption, picture URL, etc. location will give you a complete list of locations over where the user has tagged that location and the timestamp will give you the actual timestamp of the post. This tool even gives the email address of the user if an email is